
Child Molestation

Aggressive Defense Against Child Molestation Charges

Child molestation charges are very serious offenses that can result in severe penalties, including jail time and registration as a sexual predator or offender. Combatting these charges can be very difficult, especially with the negative social stigma involved; many prosecutors put in extra effort when trying these cases. If you have been charged or are under investigation for child molestation, retain legal counsel immediately.

William Hanlon is a Tampa child molestation attorney with nearly 20 years of experience handling serious criminal proceedings. His knowledge of the law and insight into area courts and prosecutors allows him to offer advice on your charges, the strategies the prosecution may employ and the options you have for mounting your defense.

Detailed Guidance

To help you mount the most aggressive defense possible, Attorney Hanlon will conduct a detailed investigation of the events leading to your charges. With the help of a private investigator and a child psychologist, he will review the evidence against you and the statements of the victim and any witnesses in an effort to uncover key information that can be used to mount your defense, including:

  • Conflicting victim statements
  • Inconsistencies in evidence
  • Evidence that the child is being pressured to make false accusations

This information will then be used to apply pressure on the prosecution to dismiss or reduce your charges, or to prove your innocence during court hearings.

Combatting False Charges

Child molestation is a very serious thing that can scar the victim for life. Unfortunately, child molestation charges are also used to discredit the alleged suspect during divorce proceedings or child custody cases.

Attorney Hanlon has the experience needed to recognize when false accusations have been made against his clients, and will fight to discredit the charges against you and prove your innocence.

Contact Attorney Hanlon online or call 813.228.7095 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your charges and learn more about your options for mounting your defense.

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